The argument in the article was about how Nike uses sweatshops to produce there products. It is also about nike mistreating there workers by abusing them. They abuse them by kicking, slapping, throwing shoes at them, and making them stand int he sun if they mess up while they were at work. They also did nit provide health care and did pay them enough to get food, shelter and proper clothing. I think that if some one does not do something then this will continue and will become stronger and the workers will definitely will not be able to stand up for them selves. I learned that the more you buy nikes the more you are letting them use your money to get immigrants to do the work there. I also learned that when you by nikes you are actually helping them expand there company all over the world and are causing immigrants to only get paid $1.25 a day. Which you need a lot more then that to feed a family if you work there.
The argument in the poem was about how hard and loud it is in the factory It is also about how the workers are mistreated. They get mistreated by the bosses. The bosses mistreated them by calling them machines and force them to work so much that they often forget who they are. They also mistreated them by making them do bitter, bloody work. The bosses is always yelling at the workers to "work, work, work a lot" and the workers can tell that the boss is angry at them for something. It was different but it was different in a good way but I would have to still pick the article over the poem because the article has a lot more detail and more information. The poem is still very good and has detail but it does not have a lot of information. This form does not affect my meaning or my understanding of the poem. It does not affect my meaning because no matter what something should be done about what is happening to the workers because they should be able to stand up for them selves but they are afraid to because they are afraid that the boss will send people after them to kill them or hurt them.